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We're So Happy For You!!!


Congratulations on your engagement, or your growing relationship! Having photos to preserve this important time in your life is so important, in order to share beautiful memories that will last for a lifetime!

Help Me, Help You


Your session starts by filling out a questionnaire, so that I can get to know both of you and plan a very unique session that fits your style and personality. If you have a theme you would like to incorporate, I am all for creativity and mixing things up. You can read more about themed sessions below.

The Perfect Shots


After you have booked your session, we then finalize a date, time, location and clothing choices. Evenings are always best, within three hours of sunset, when the light has a magical glow. A standard engagement session lasts an average of two hours. We will also discuss clothing, so you will be comfortable yet demonstrate your own beautiful style. I will always suggest at least one clothing change during your session.

Themed Sessions


Theme sessions are encouraged and always available, so if you would like a vintage themed session, a 40′s retro session, or you love to ride horses, then throw on your boots and hats and we’ll do it at the farm! Your imagination is the only limit.

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